Happy Birthday Caleb!

Hard to believe Caleb is already four years old. He had a great day yesterday; Mindy our babysitter came over in the morning and they played in his kitchen with the new things that we got from Uncle Joshua. Then we gave him his presents from us - a mitt, a tennis racket, and a big remote control monster truck! He was so excited. To top it all off, we went to Chuck E. Cheese after dinner. That place is just stimulation overload. Needless to say, both he and Andy slept very well last night. Tomorrow we are off to the Hood River Railroad to ride on Thomas, and on Sunday afternoon we will have a big birthday party at our place. Many pictures to follow, I'm sure.

We went camping!

It's so funny how you tend to try more things when you have more kids. We would never have dreamed of going camping when it was just Caleb, or even Caleb and Andy, but we didn't hesitate to say yes when our friends invited us to go with them last weekend. The Lundgren's, Grandma and Grandpa, and us all went in in bought a tent trailer together. Last weekend the Lundgrens and us took it on its maiden voyage. It was a success! We slept in our huge condo-size 3-room tent, and other than being a little cold, all us Grasses slept well and had fun. Caleb and Andy's mattress started to deflate so the four of us slept on a mattress together, which made it warmer for all of us. Jakey slept in his pack n' play. He had so many layers of clothes on that I didn't know if he was going to be comfortable sleeping, but he did an awesome job. We got an inflatable raft and Paul took the boys out on the lake for some fishing. They didn't catch anything, but had a great time. We are all excited for our next adventure in July!

Giggly Jakey

Jakey is such a happy baby. He loves to laugh!

...and my other boys.

There's been so much Jakey here this week, so let's have one about my other boys. We all took a walk to Haggen after dinner today and had a great time. We didn't by anything but the boys got their free cookie. :)

After we got home, I went to put Jakey to bed and when I came down, my three other guys were sitting in their chairs having a drink break, because walking is hard work! They're so cute, don't you think?

Growing boy!

This kid is getting big! Do you see the rolls of fat? We love them! Much to my surprise, Jakey started teething this week. You can see two white mounds under his gums on the bottom. Unfortunately this means that he is very unhappy. He's a trooper, though, and has been trying his best to be a good baby through the pain. Baby Tylenol does wonders; better living through chemistry, as they say!

Did I mention the lovely rolls of fat?! :)

Jakey's 100th Day

It's a big Korean tradition to celebrate a baby's 100th day, known as a Baek Il. We don't do most of the traditional stuff, but we had some friends and family over and had a nice Korean feast. Paul thought it would be fitting to wear his Chinese jacket that my parents bought him. What a funny guy!

Bumbo seat

Jakey has quite a strong little neck so I thought I'd put him in the Bumbo Seat to see how he would like it. The jury is still out on that, but I did get some cute pictures! Please excuse his hair; he's got a comb-over look going but the new hair is quickly catching up!

Strawberry picking

The weather was perfect today, so the boys and I took a trip to the strawberry farm. It was such a fun time! Jakey was a wonder and slept the whole time in the Baby Bjorn (and boy are my legs sore from squating with him!). Andy spent most of his time eating all the strawberries; let's just say that he didn't have any in his bucket at the end. Caleb was intent on getting the biggest, reddest, juiciest strawberries he could find. It's so telling of there personalities, don't you think? Anyways, we picked four containers full, so we gave some to Grandma and Grandpa so we can make one more trip to the farm before the strawberry season ends.

Wendy! Wendy!

Wendy was able to come out for a visit this past weekend, and the boys loved having her here! There were plenty of tears when we dropped her off at the MAX station. She was such a great sport playing with the boys and doing whatever they want. There was a glitter incident but fortunately I was not present when it occurred (let's just say that they breezed through more than five bottles of glitter in less than 10 minutes and I'm still picking glitter off all the surfaces of our house!). No matter, it was all for fun and the boys can't wait for her to visit again in September! Thanks for coming, Wendy!

The Bunny Dance

Here's one that Andy came up with all by himself. :)

The Funny Dance

The boys have really been dancing around lately. Here's their version of a funny dance.

A good worker

Roy (our general contractor) and his "helper" (Gregg) have become Caleb's new heroes. All of a sudden, it's all about, "Mommy, I need to go work outside." and "Mommy, I'm going to build a house!". We even got him his own set of tools to piddle around with. What he really wanted, though, was a tool belt just like Roy's. Unfortunately, they don't really make tool belts that fit a preschooler. Grandma to the rescue! She came over yesterday with a tool belt that she made just to fit Caleb. Boy, was he excited! He's worn it all day and loves putting his hammer, screwdriver, wrench, etc. in all the little spots. Guess he's going to be a little more handy than his dad!

Did you miss us?

Sorry for the absence, folks. The computer was moving all around the house as we tried to outrun the dust that has permeated our house with the remodel. It's been a tough few weeks trying to live in this mess, but we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. There are a few touch-ups to do inside, but Andy and Jakey have moved into their rooms and we can hang out in our family room again! We just have to get Paul's office furniture assembled so he can move out of the bedroom now. A few updates for you:

- Caleb finished school and is very excited about summer vacation. He got a report card and we were so proud that he did such an excellent job at school this year!

- Andy loves his new room. We'd been talking about it for a while, so when the day for him to move actually came, he was jumping up and down with excitement! There was no adjustment phase for him; he slept great from the first night. This boy is such an amazing sleeper! We still have some decorating to do, but he really likes the blue color of his walls.

- Jakey is getting so big! He is such a happy baby; always smiling and laughing. He's been sleeping well, too. Up to nine hours a night sometimes!