The other trick

Star of the Week

Caleb was star of the week at school this week. We decorated a poster with all sorts of information about him and he got to take a bunch of pictures to put up with his poster. He got to take his favorite book to school to have read during reading time on Thursday. Today, he was supposed to do a talent or bring in something to share. He decided to do some magic tricks that Grandpa has been teaching him. Unfortunately, Grandpa was not able to make it, but Paul and I went to help Caleb and it was very exciting! Mrs. Culver, his Kindergarten teacher, was so happy that he wanted to share a talent and all his classmates were very impressed. Here he is doing his two tricks.


Everyone seems to be healthy now. Except for Paul. Sounds like he is dying a slow and painful death down in Palm Springs. I've been encouraging him to seek out the nearest urgent care facility, but he's a tough guy. I hope he's better by the time he gets home!

On Wednesday, Caleb came off the bus and immediately fell asleep on the couch. That is always a precursor to something bad. I checked his temperature over the next hour and it spiked form 99F to 103F. Oh, brother. So, he was really tired the whole day and went to bed early. I took him to the doctor the next morning and of course he was fine. He had a great day yesterday and went to school today. Seems to be totally fine now! Jakey's hives are gone, and Andy is still running around. I sincerely hope it stays that way!

Tonight we are going to make pizzas and play the Wii. Fridays are Wii night! Yay!

When it rains, it pours

So, to add to the chaos of the day, Jakey developed a mysterious case of hives today. He didn't have them when he woke up, but about an hour later was yelling and scratching his neck. I noticed it was red, so I took off his pajamas to take a closer look and he had hives all over his body. They didn't seem to bother him that much, so I left them alone for a few hours. At lunchtime, I called the doctor's office and they suggested I give him some Benedryl. I did that, and other than taking a fantastic nap, it didn't help at all. In fact, the hives were worse and had spread to his face! I called the doctor again and they told me to bring him in. He doesn't have strep, which I was worried about (I thought Caleb might have it because he had a 105F fever all weekend!) but apparently it's just a reaction to the fever he had and probably the cold he's fighting off. There's a name for it but it's long and I forgot what it's called already. There's nothing to do about it but wait for it to go away on it's own. Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother him at all. He does like to show it off, though!

Two doctor's office visits in one day - I wonder what else will happen this week?

Well, that didn't last long

Andy was playing around on Monday evening and all of a sudden we heard him screaming and Caleb yelling, "the tube came out!". Somehow Andy pulled out the tube in his right eye. I taped the tube to his nose so it wouldn't scratch his eye, then called Dr. Goodman. She was so gracious about it and offered to meet us at her office and take it out. So, Paul and Andy headed off and it took about 5 seconds for her to snip it out. Andy didn't even cry! Well, Paul left for another trip this morning (Lord, help me!) and as Andy came downstairs, I heard him cry, "MOM?!" in a very bad way. His other tube came out!! Can you believe that?! He has no idea how it happened. So, I taped it to his nose again, and we went to wait for a couple hours at the doctor's office until she could fit us in. Didn't even last a week. Sheesh. I hope it worked anyways.

Here's a picture on Monday night:

And Tuesday morning: