Pumpkin Patch, Part 2

We took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch today, and chose to go to Lake View Farms this year. Paul had taken the boys last year and they had good memories of it! Grandma and Grandpa went as well and we all had lots of fun. Caleb and Andy especially loved the Centipede ride, which was basically a small tractor pulling barrels that were hitched together.

The boys enjoyed a ride on the train that went through a field to the pumpkin patch. That was Jakey's favorite part!

When we got to the patch, there was also a small hay maze that the boys played in for a little while. Caleb enjoyed running around and popping up to try and scare me.

We finally got around to picking out a pumpkin. You'll had to wait and see how we carve it!

Sunny Days

We've been having the best fall weather this year! Lots of sunshine - and we've been taking full advantage. Caleb and Andy spent most of the week playing outside; they had a big sidewalk chalk day with Miss Karen and drew a huge hopscotch and also drew a big pirate treasure map. They also took the opportunity to "sled" down the driveway. There was no snow, but that didn't stop them!

The Pumpkin Patch

aka "Andy's First Field Trip". We headed out to Lee Farms to experience the farm scene and pick out a little pumpkin. Andy had actually been there the previous two years for Caleb's field trips out there, so he knew the drill. All he wanted was the apple cider donuts and the hayride to the pumpkin patch.

There were lots of kids there, and I think Andy was a little shy without his big brother there. We still had a great time, just Andy and Mommy!

The Apple Farm

aka "Caleb's First Field Trip". I chaperoned this fun field trip that took us to Oregon Heritage Farms. We learned how apples get packed into boxes - did you know they take pictures of every apple so the machine can sort them?! That's a lot apple pictures!

Then we toured the five stations they had set up for kids - a hay maze (Caleb's favorite!), apple tasting/apple bouncer, lunch, hayride, and a mini pumpkin patch with a huge wagon for pictures. Caleb had an awesome time!

Our cute boy

Took these great pictures of Jakey the other day...

...of course, he got all his hair chopped off yesterday, so stay tuned for an update!

Update on boys

Things have been super busy, as usual. We've settled into a pretty good routine, though. Miss Karen comes in the morning to watch the boys around their school schedules. Andy loves school and I'm happy to say Caleb is enjoying himself as well! Here's a picture of Andy on his first day:

Caleb got the Eagle Eye at school, which is an award given each day for the child follows the school rules: be safe, be respectful, be responsible. He was so excited and proud of himself!

Paul officiated his first wedding. You can just call him the Reverend Paul Grass! He did an awesome job and we had a great time at Take and Amy's wedding.

Jakey, is, well Jakey. He climbed out of his crib the other day; I think he shocked himself with that one! He's been starting to say all sorts of words, he's quite vocal! He's definitely our most energetic child - always running around and climbing on things!

Portland Marathon!

Paul and I ran the Portland Marathon on Sunday. We rocked! No injuries, other than really sore muscles. :)

Despite the rain, we had a great time and really enjoyed the spectators and bands that lined the sides. Paul and I ran the first half together, and he ran ahead of me for the last half. His knee started to bother him a bit, so he wasn't able to manage that last burst of speed. He still finished strong, at 3hours, 54minutes. I was feeling really good, so I ran hard and finished at 3hours, 56minutes. I was so excited about that!

Our next one will be in Hawaii, next September!