Big Day!

Today was the end of the year ceremony/graduation for Jakey and Andy AND Andy's last T-ball game and end of the season party. Things got kind of crazy for us this evening! It started at 6pm, when we went to watch Andy play T-ball in the rain. At 630pm, Jakey and I left to go to the school ceremony. People, my boy was a STAR! They put him front and center. :)

They started of with the pledge of allegiance.

Then they sang "We Love Our Flag".

Then on to "The Wheels on the Bus".

Finally, a classic, Old MacDonald.

Then, the scary part. Each preschooler had to cross the stage when their name was called to get their certificate. You can see that Jakey wasn't too sure about it.

Fortunately, Miss Paula was there waiting for him.

After that, we rushed to Round Table to catch the tail end of Andy's pizza party and eat a quick dinner. He got a trophy and a doughnut!

Andy was really sad that he missed his graduation (even though we gave him the choice of which event he wanted to attend!) so we rushed back to church to see if anyone was still there. We were able to get his cap and gown (which he wouldn't put on), but Paul got the cap in the picture with Miss Kristin.

I have to say that Andy has enjoyed preschool with Miss Kristen IMMENSELY. He will cry at school because he feels sick but still tell her that he's okay because he doesn't want to leave. Is that love, or what? It will be very hard for us to say goodbye.

Jakey has been lucky enough to have two teachers to love on him everyday. We were able to get a picture with Miss Paula, but we will have to try to catch Miss Lisa later this week!


We signed Andy up for T-ball this year, and he is so excited about it! His first practice was last week, and while he was a bit hesitant at first, he quickly got into it and enjoyed himself.

His first game is this weekend and I can't tell you how much he is looking foward to it!

Pajama Rama Day

Today was Pajama Rama Day at school. This is Jakey's favorite day because he gets to wear the cool Buzz Lightyear pajamas that Grandma found for him!

Andy's Teeth!

Today, when I went to pick the boys up from school, I had a nice surprise! Andy lost two teeth! They were very loose, but had been so for a few days. I guess he accidentally swallowed one during lunch, and Miss Debbee plucked the second one out. He looks so cute! Now I have two boys with lots of space in the front!

More Sun!

I'm really sorry, Peggy, but we have been enjoy such FANTASTIC weather! The boys pulled the T-ball the other day and had a blast!

New Bike

We finally got Andy a new bike. He really deserved one! It's amazing how fast he is now. I think he's really going to give Caleb a run for his money!

There Goes Another One!

Caleb lost his other front tooth! He says he feels like a vampire. :) It is very cute. What isn't cute is how he lost his tooth. He and Andy got into an arguement and Andy punched him! It wasn't very hard, but Caleb's tooth was VERY loose, so it was enough to punch it out and get a little bit bloody. Ordinarily, Caleb would be very angry but he was so excited to lose his tooth and have a cool story to share that he didn't seem to mind. When Paul and I went to visit Caleb for lunch later that week, all his friends were asking if Andy really punched Caleb's tooth out. I think he felt pretty cool about that!

Andy has two bottom teeth loose, so you can expect a picture of his first tooth out very soon!