There Goes Another One!

Caleb lost his other front tooth! He says he feels like a vampire. :) It is very cute. What isn't cute is how he lost his tooth. He and Andy got into an arguement and Andy punched him! It wasn't very hard, but Caleb's tooth was VERY loose, so it was enough to punch it out and get a little bit bloody. Ordinarily, Caleb would be very angry but he was so excited to lose his tooth and have a cool story to share that he didn't seem to mind. When Paul and I went to visit Caleb for lunch later that week, all his friends were asking if Andy really punched Caleb's tooth out. I think he felt pretty cool about that!

Andy has two bottom teeth loose, so you can expect a picture of his first tooth out very soon!


  1. Caleb, you are looking a little like a vampire...hopefully the new ones don't grow in pointed : )

  2. i realy enjoye boys pictures. so cute miss them a lot...

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  4. Caleb, you are looking a little like a vampire...hopefully the new ones don't grow in pointed : )


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