
Jakey continues to be a wonderful baby. He had two beautiful front bottom teeth that he loves to show off by smiling all the time. He rolls all around the floor (we can't keep him on his back!). He recently started grabbing his toes and just this week he started sitting up by himself. He still falls over quite frequently but he's quickly getting the hang of it!


Caleb had his four year check up last week, and he weighs 37 pounds and is 41 inches tall. 50 percentile overall. I keep expecting him to stop growing so quickly, but I think that he got a little more of his dad's genes on that one. Interestingly, he is only one pound heavier than Andy. :) He got his finger poked for a blood sample and he was very brave. In fact, he was very interested in watching what the tech was doing and insisted on seeing his blood when it was done.


Andy has had a big month! A couple weeks ago, we decided to take off the diapers. It was a risky gamble, but hey, that's potty training! To our delight, after only a few accidents, Andy quickly got the hang of it. He's even night trained! What a kid.

Time for some updates!

Well, summer is almost over, and it's been a great one. We've gone on lots of trips and had some really big milestones. I think I'll do a separate post for each boy, just to make them all special. :)

Blue Angels

The Oregon Air Show is going on this weekend in Hillsboro and today was Kid's Day so we went over to the Hillsboro Airport to see what was happening. Caleb and Andy were really hoping to see the Blue Angels jets but they weren't there. The pilots were there, though, and even better, some planes and helicopters that Caleb and Andy got to sit in! The people there were so friendly and they let the boys try on the headphones and pretend to steer the aircraft. It was great fun! I heard that the Blue Angels were going to be practicing later that afternoon, so after a fun picnic lunch at a local park, we headed back to the airport to find a good place to watch. We had to wait for an hour but the boys were so good and when the Blue Angels came out, it was all worth it. Both boys jumped up and down screaming and shouting, "I'm so excited!" and "I'm so happy!". The noise didn't seem to bother them at all, even though it got quite loud. Jakey was, as usual, a trooper. He didn't seem to find the airplanes all that exciting, though. Maybe next year. :)

The Joys of Boys

I know that I've mentioned how much Caleb and Andy love Jakey before, but they're really starting to enjoy him now! They love hearing him laugh and giggle, so they do all sorts of silly things around him. If Caleb goes somewhere and Jakey stays home, the first think he asks when he comes in the door is, "Where's Jakey?". It just warms a mother's heart. :) The older boys are so excited about showing Jakey all the toys that they have. GeoTrax are huge in our house and Jakey got his first glimpse into that world a little yesterday. We were enjoying the lovely weather in our backyard today and the boys thought that Jakey should try out the baby swing. He's still a little small, but he seems to like it. It's a great start to what I hope will be a lifetime of three close, happy brothers.

Rice Cereal and a new High Chair!

At Jakey's four-month appointment, Dr. Ulmer gave me the ok to give Jakey solids. I wasn't quite ready yet but lately Jakey has been acting hungry all the time, so I decided it was time. Caleb and I got the rice cereal ready, and we sat down with Jakey in the bouncy chair to give it a shot. The verdict is... yummy! He really enjoyed himself. We tried some banana with rice cereal and he giggled with glee the first time he tasted it. I think he's going to be a great eater!

We've finally run out of chairs in our house, so I bought Jakey his very own high chair. He loves it - I think because he can be up higher and see what's going on. I usually put him in it and give him a spoon to munch on. It keeps him happy for quite a while!