Cake Pops

This is spring break week, so I decided to take a couple days off to play with the boys. Today our goals were to get haircuts for Andy and Jakey, and make cake pops. The haircuts went off without any troubles, so we came home to do our project. I read about them on Bakerella's web site and thought the boys would enjoy making them. It was lots of fun, and I didn't even care about all the sprinkles on the floor! :)

It started of with the three of them, but Jakey was quickly booted off for putting too much cake in his mouth.

Caleb and Andy worked so hard, rolling all the balls. It was serious business for them!

Then it was time for their favorite part, decorating. Again, very serious business!

They were very happy to finish their project, but even happier to sample them!

Belt Testing

Today was a very big day for Caleb and Andy. In November, they started Tae Kwon Do lessons, and they loved it right away. Their teacher, Master Park, is equally scary and funny, which is very good for teaching this kind of sport. They started in the Tiny Tigers class, which is a special white belt class for 3-6 year olds, but quickly moved up to the regular white belt class. They are among the youngest in their class, Andy definitely being the youngest. Today was belt test day, where they took a test to see if they would move up to the yellow stripe belt. Before they had their test, we had to wait for all the upper belts to complete theirs. It took over an hour! Then it was finally their turn. First they had to do the white belt form, which is basic form #1.

Then they had to do their one-step sparring and self-defense moves.

The final test was the one we were all nervous for; they had to kick a board and break it. I didn't get video of Caleb, but he was the first one in his class to do it, on the first kick! Andy did it on his second attempt. He was so scared!

Then it was over. There was a ceremonial bow to your parents and put on your new belt thing, but then we were done. It took two hours and they were so focused the whole time. I couldn't believe it! Afterward, we went out for ice cream, even though it was past bedtime. You have to live on the wild side every once in a while!

We are so proud of Caleb and Andy, but even more important, they are proud of themselves. I can't tell you how many times this evening Caleb said, "I LOVE that I broke that board!". Tae Kwon Do has been so good for them; building self-confidence, self-discipline (they have to do chores at home and excel academically in order to be able to take belt tests. Believe me, I fill out lots of forms every week!) and athleticism. We love Tae Kwon Do!

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Jacob turned two today. Can you believe that?! He insists that he's still one, though. I'll ask him how old he is and he'll say, "One!". Then I'll say, "Nooo..." and then he'll say, "Two!". Then he will follow with, "One!". He sure is stubborn! We've finally wised up with the whole birthday thing and are keeping things low-key for him this year. Might as well wait until he really wants the big party celebrations! We are having a small get-together on Sunday with his best friend, Hannah, Grandma and Grandpa, and two of his favorite people, our neighbor Christian and babysitter Miss Karen. He will be so excited to have so many of his best friends there!

Here are some things about Jakey as he turns two:

Favorite words/phrases: "No!", "Sorry, Mommy", "Yeah!", "Peese!"(please)
Favorite movie: Curious George - he seriously asks for this at least 10 times a day.
Favorite color: "Lellow" (yellow), probably because of Ted
Favorite food: Rice - anytime we're about to eat he starts asking for rice. It's all he ever wants!
Favorite drink: Milk - it's a serious addiction
Favorite sport: Tennis - he runs around with a ball and racquetball racket. Cute!

Some Jakey Translations:

"Cheese!" means camera
"Nice" means his burp rag/blankies. This started because every time he goes to bed I give him a new one and we smell it together and say, "Nice!".
"Ted" means the Curious George movie. Calls it "Ted" because the Man in the Yellow Hat's name is Ted. He LOVES Ted.
"Other One" means the Wiggles with Greg, not Sam