Giving Thanks

Andy has been sick, which is why you can't hear his voice very well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Darth Vader

Star wars has invaded all of our lives...

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Saturday was Andy's 4th birthday. We started off by taking the boys out to Noah's bagels for breakfast. Andy opened a present there as we ate yummy bagels (his favorite is a cinnamon sugar bagel toasted with butter).

Then we headed to the church to help rake leaves - everyone was enlisted to work! The weather was beautiful, so we didn't mind much.

We got home to clean up a bit and start getting ready for the big party. Grandma and Grandpa came over early to play with the boys and let Andy open his present from them. Hami and our family friend Miss Linda worked hard to prepare an awesome Korean dinner! The party was lots of fun; we did a pinata, of course, and had a delicious cake made by Claudia. The kids were all running around, screaming and having great fun. A wonderful day for our wonderful four year old!

Celebrating the Sun

The skies were clear today, so Caleb suggested we take a walk to school to play on the playground and that's just what we did! Caleb and Andy were really into packing their backpacks for the trip; I had to scale it down a bit as they were bringing books, math toys, water, journals and pens, balls, etc. So, we finally took off and had a great time! Here's hoping for a few more days of sun...


Today Andy was the VIP at school. That's Very Important Preschooler! Basically, it's the day they celebrate each preschooler's birthday. Hami and I went to the party time and it was lots of fun. Mrs. Burton is the greatest preschool teacher and you can tell she really loves Andy. She had given us a sheet of information to fill out- things about Andy. He shared that his favorite animal is a zebra or giraffe, his favorite color is yellow, he has brown hair and brown eyes, when he grows up he wants to be Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master, and that he loves Lego Star Wars (duh!). Then Mrs. Burton prayed for him and it was beautiful. Andy was very excited to get a balloon and small present, and we brought fruit roll-ups to share during snack time. I think he felt very special today!

Our Idea of Fun

What an exciting life we lead...

Soccer Highlights

So, the soccer season is over. Caleb improved a great deal, but he's still not that keen on actually kicking the ball. Maybe next season...


Just so you know how he really felt about his costume...


Halloween was a fun-filled day. First, the boys got their costumes on and we went to the mall to meet our BFF (that's best friends forever!) the Morinishi's. So cute!

There was a Master Lego Builder there building an 8 foot R2-D2 so we went to check that out. They were having kids build blocks for the R2, so Caleb and Andy actually got to help build it!

After all that, we came home for a break before the evening festivities. First went to Grandma and Grandpa's to show off our costumes and do some trick-or-treating at neighbors, then we came back to our neighborhood to go around for a bit with our Caitlin and Camille, our neighbors. Then we headed to the Morinishi's for a party and more trick-or-treating. We decorated cookies, had some snacks, then headed out for more candy. Whew! It was a crazy, exciting day!

Pumpkin Carving

We carved lots of pumpkins this year. Two at church and three at home! Caleb and Andy were really into it and they loved getting the "pumpkin guts" out. Jakey supervised. :)

What we have here is: Andy's little pumpkin with eyes; Caleb's Tie Fighter pumpkin; Andy's happy face pumpkin; our family x-wing fighter pumpkin; Caleb's ghost pumpkin.