Boy, do we love Legos!

Legos are the new thing in our house. We have literally spent hours going through a box of Paul's old Legos to find just the right piece needed to make whatever it is we're trying to make. Paul has been getting so nostalgic making these Lego creations with Caleb! Andy is not quite as into it as Caleb, yet. I'm sure he will be quick to follow, though. I forsee lots of Legos for Christmas!

(Don't you love Andy's hair? Hey, it was a Saturday!)

Six months old!

It's hard to believe that Jakey is already six months old; closer to seven already, for that matter! He is such a happy baby and seems to be getting easier every day. We took him to his well baby visit and he didn't even cry when he got his shots! This kid is tough; he's going to need it with two big brothers. Here are his stats:

Weight: 20 lb, 1 oz (90%)
Height: 26 inches (50%)
Head Circumference: 17 1/2 inches (75%)

He's not a small baby, is he?

Bath Time

Caleb and Andy are just so cute during bath time. They laugh (and cry sometimes!) and have such a great time together. Often times, they stay in there until their feet and hands are wrinkly messes and the water is borderline cold! They're always so cheerful after they get out, too. Well, maybe silly is a more accurate term!

Our little smartie pants!

Caleb can type his name on the computer, but he is not able to write it. At least, that's what I thought. He's never been interested in learning his letters and I haven't really pushed him about it. The other day, he was drawing some pictures and I asked him to write his name. To my surprise, he pretty much got it right! He always seems to know so much more than I think he does...

Today was his first day at preschool! He didn't really want to go, but must have had lots of fun because when I picked him up he said he wanted to go back tomorrow. Must have had a good time. :)

A Big day for Jakey

Today Jakey started doing two new things. He started babbling "ba, ba, ba" and "da, da, da" and then he got on his hands and knees and started rocking back and forth! It won't be long before he's talking and crawling!

Jakey is such a laugher!

Caleb is so good at making Jakey laugh! In this video, Caleb is playing funny notes on the piano.