Well, that didn't last long

Andy was playing around on Monday evening and all of a sudden we heard him screaming and Caleb yelling, "the tube came out!". Somehow Andy pulled out the tube in his right eye. I taped the tube to his nose so it wouldn't scratch his eye, then called Dr. Goodman. She was so gracious about it and offered to meet us at her office and take it out. So, Paul and Andy headed off and it took about 5 seconds for her to snip it out. Andy didn't even cry! Well, Paul left for another trip this morning (Lord, help me!) and as Andy came downstairs, I heard him cry, "MOM?!" in a very bad way. His other tube came out!! Can you believe that?! He has no idea how it happened. So, I taped it to his nose again, and we went to wait for a couple hours at the doctor's office until she could fit us in. Didn't even last a week. Sheesh. I hope it worked anyways.

Here's a picture on Monday night:

And Tuesday morning:


  1. I feel a little guilty, but those pictures made me laugh really hard!!

  2. im little bit scare. i think andy is a
    rear trooper!

  3. The pictures make me shiver. Did it hurt when they came out? Freaky!!!! Sounds like you have been having quite a time of it.