The Oregon Air Show is going on this weekend in Hillsboro and today was Kid's Day so we went over to the Hillsboro Airport to see what was happening. Caleb and Andy were really hoping to see the Blue Angels jets but they weren't there. The pilots were there, though, and even better, some planes and helicopters that Caleb and Andy got to sit in! The people there were so friendly and they let the boys try on the headphones and pretend to steer the aircraft. It was great fun! I heard that the Blue Angels were going to be practicing later that afternoon, so after a fun picnic lunch at a local park, we headed back to the airport to find a good place to watch. We had to wait for an hour but the boys were so good and when the Blue Angels came out, it was all worth it. Both boys jumped up and down screaming and shouting, "I'm so excited!" and "I'm so happy!". The noise didn't seem to bother them at all, even though it got quite loud. Jakey was, as usual, a trooper. He didn't seem to find the airplanes all that exciting, though. Maybe next year. :)
Posted in:
Friday, August 10, 2007
7:44 PM