Bed Head

Jakey's hair is getting longer and longer; I've finally decided that it's time to get it cut. I mean, just look at this bed head! It's crazy. I'll post pictures of the big event after the weekend.

Snow Day

The kept saying it was going to snow, and I guess they were finally right! We woke up to a couple inches this morning. The boys tried to make a snowman with Paul before he left for his business trip, but it was so cold that the snow wouldn't stick together. We tried a couple hours later with greater success. I wasn't able to do a whole lot because I had Jakey on my back, but that was okay because Caleb and Andy were awesome at rolling the snowballs! We made a pretty good sized snowman, don't you think? I wonder if we'll get more snow...

Big Boy!

I've been meaning to start working with Jakey on sippy cups, but the few times I've tried it in the past, he hasn't been very interested. Well, today he was munching on pancakes and looked a little parched. So I gave him a sippy cup with some water, just to see what he would do. He loved it! He got the hang of it very quickly and had a great time playing, I mean, drinking, with the cup. Maybe this means the bottle will be gone soon! *sniff, sort of*


Trouble has become Jakey's nickname. Whether it's climbing into the toy drawers, playing in the toilet water (gross!) or climbing up the stairs as fast as he can before we catch him, he's figured out all the things he can do to make the most trouble. Even Caleb and Andy are always running around screaming about something that Jakey's doing. At least they keep an eye on him!

A Sunny day in January

The weather was bright and sunny after church on Sunday, so we decided to get the bikes out for a ride in the cul-de-sac. The boys were so exited to be on their bikes again! It shocked me how much they've grown since the summer, though. Looks like they both need new bikes!

Tough Week

Paul had to leave after church on Sunday for a conference in San Diego. If that wasn't hard enough, Caleb woke up late that night throwing up. Poor kid, he was so sick that he stayed in bed until 1PM the next day. Then, all of a sudden, he was fine. Weird. On Wednesday, Paul came home (yay!) and Andy promptly started throwing up. Jakey, not wanting to be left out, started on Thursday. Yuck. Fortunately, everyone seems to be on the mend. Except for Paul, who started feeling sick today. I am feeling fine *knocking on wood*!

Other things...

I had LASIK eye surgery last week and am happy to say that I have 20/20 vision without contacts or glasses! I went to an amazing eye center and the procedure was very quick and painless. I even have the video if you want to come over and see it!

Jakey had a big week; he started saying, "mama", "baba", "oooo", "nana" and "nono". He also stood by himself for a few seconds and he's started fake crying when I scold him for something. He plays peek-a-boo with his burp rags and waves his arms around when you say "yay!". Such a big boy already!

We found out that we have the option of purchasing Paul's company car, so we're going to do that. This way we can still have two minivans! :)

Future Bears?

Uncle Michael and Aunt Becky got each of the boys a tie-dyed Berkeley shirt and they are quickly becoming Jakey and Andy's favorite shirt. Caleb is still thinking about whether he wants to wear his or not. :)

Silly Games

Paul always thinks up of the silliest games for the boys to play! This time he stuffed their shirts with blanket and we all laughed as they bounced off the walls, and each other, while they tried to figure out how to move around. So silly!

Bathtime with Jakey

Joshua really liked playing around with my camera (complete with a new flash for Christmas!) and he took some great pictures of Jakey in the bath. Boy, does this boy love the bath! He tends to fall in quite frequently but that doesn't stop him from splashing, standing and splashing some more!

Broken Computer

I haven't had an update in a while because my laptop screen died. Hopefully I will fix it soon, but in the meantime, I am using the desktop. I'll do my best to post a few updates, with pictures, of course!