
Paul and I got back from Maui last week, where we had a lovely vacation and ran the Maui Marathon.

Here we are before the 5:30AM marathon start:

And after, when it was really hot out!

We had an amazing vacation, which I may go into detail at a later date, but since the title of this post is "Marathons", I better stick to the subject at hand. Today was the Portland Marathon, and Paul being the crazy guy that he is, decided that he wanted to run this one, too. Only two weeks after Maui! Our friend Chris was kind enough to join him.

Since it was a rare occasion that I wasn't running with Paul, the boys and I went out to the course to cheer them on.

I had mapped it all out exactly, so we were able to make four stops along the course. We had lots of fun!

And here are the victorious runners at the finish line: