Happy Valentine's Day!

We've been enjoying some very nice weather lately - perhaps Punxsutawney Phil was wrong this year? Anyways, we took full advantage on Sunday afternoon, riding bikes in the cul-de-sac, playing army men/Bakugan on the sidewalk, and a bit of T-ball with Camille.

Jakey has finally decided that he is ready for his tricycle. He's pretty good!

Here Comes the Tooth Fairy!

Caleb's two front teeth have been loose for a while now, and he this week he really began wiggling in earnest (he spent all his money on a toy this weekend and I think he was hard up for cash!).

He went to Miss Debbee's today with Andy and Jakey because of the holiday. When I went to go pick him up, he had quite a surprise for me! Apparently it just fell out when he wiggled it. Fortunately, all FOUR of his teeth that have come out have come out just that way. Nice and easy! He's got the most adorable smile now:

I expect the other one to go any day. Our boy is growing up! *sniff*

Why are they so cute?

I wonder all the time...


Today the boys and I sat down to work on their class valentines. They were super excited about it! Caleb and Andy requested candy valentines and Jakey wanted Buzz Lightyear ones (big surprise). It was actually lots of fun - Caleb and Andy wrote and put together all of theirs, and Jakey separated all of his while I wrote the names.

A cute side story - Caleb has been mentioning a girl in his class, Sophie, quite a bit. As we were doing valentines, he found his favorite one (it says, "You're Awesome!") and put two heart stickers on it. For Sophie. No one else got heart stickers! I think I'm going to have to go check this girl out... :)

Kitchen Remodel

It's not completely done yet, but I wanted to share some pictures of our kitchen remodel. Honestly, it turned out better than I hoped. Paul and I love it so much that we don't mind cleaning it at all! I wonder how long that will last...

Here are some before pictures:

And after:

What do you think?