Our Summer

Sorry for the infrequent posting, folks. It's been busier that usual around here. Let's see, we've done lots of berry picking, although I forgot my camera for the blueberries. We had Venture Camp at church. Caleb was an actual camper! Andy and Jakey stayed at the daycare while I took pictures and taught classes. All of the aunts and uncles were here for a while and that was tons of fun. The boys were seriously besides themselves! Caleb and Andy went on a camping trip with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Peggy, Uncle Michael and Aunt Becky. Again, overwhelming fun for them. We got Caleb signed up for soccer and he things he's hot stuff in his cool gear. We took a fun trip to the Great Wolf Lodge.

Some other big news is that I've taken on a temporary job with Paul's company. It has been a bit of an adjustment, but I think we're doing all right. We have a babysitter that comes in the morning and I leave and go to a coffee shop or Grandma and Grandpa's.

I think that's all I can think of for now. I'll try to finish off the summer with more posting!


  1. Thanks so much for taking time to do this blog, anna.. I have the cutest grandchild pictures on my desktop ever!! Love Carol